Free Job Search Toolkit 2

Land a job in archaeology

Free tips on how you can land a job in archaeology

The path from college to a fruitful career in Cultural Resource Management, Historic Preservation, and Heritage Conservation can be tough and unforgiving. Fortunately, there are a number of free resources that can greatly aide your job search:

If you want to see the basic blueprint I’ve used to help dozens of job seekers (not only archaeologists), sign up for the free eBook “3 Essential Elements to a Successful Job Search.”

Start your job search here

Start your job search here












You can also grab a free copy of Succinct Research’s latest job search resource “The Top 5 Archaeology Job Search Resources”

Top 5 Archaeology Job Search Resources

Find an archaeology job today
Find an archaeology job today


You can always check out these slideshare presentations on resume-writing and job networking:

Archaeology Careerists NetworkYou can also join the Archaeology Careerist’s Network on LinkedIn and connect with other professional archaeologists and students from around the world. It’s also a great place to get candid exposure to insider information on the cultural resource management industry.

Finally, you can use this information to apply for jobs on any of the major archaeology, cultural resource management, and historic preservation job banks.

Archaeology— THE place for info on archaeology job openings— Another excellent resource for archaeology jobs

PreserveNet— Historic preservation jobs and more

If you’re feeling really saucy, feel free to buy one of Succinct Research’s eBooks. They were written specifically for archaeology careerists and cultural resource management professionals.


Resume-Writing for Archaeologists” is now available on Click Here and get detailed instructions on how you can land a job in CRM archaeology today!







Small Archaeology Project Management is now on the Kindle Store. Over 300 copies were sold in the first month! Click Here and see what the buzz is all about.