Historic Preservation

Explaining the Benefits of Historic Preservation

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post that asked if developers hated historic presentation. I don’t believe they do, but there are many signs that historic preservation isn’t important to many construction companies and developers. This topic was also picked up in a recent episode of the CRM […]

These are Cultural Resources: All Souls Procession 2012 1

If you have a cultural resource management, heritage conservation, or historic preservation job, you’re probably used to doing work on cultural resources that have reached significance because of their antiquity or a special circumstance. It’s easy to forget that cultural resources are being created all the time, all around us. […]

Keywords are an essential part of a successful résumé

I have been helping folks remodel their cultural resource management or historic preservation job résumés for years now. Most résumés had the right information, followed grammatical rules, and were textbook manifestations of what the internet and most résumé-writing books tell us to do. But they weren’t optimized for the CRM […]