cultural resource jobs

Who cares about the Supreme Court Ruling? Archaeologists aren’t allowed to have kids anyway 8

This week (6/30/2014), the United States Supreme Court ruled that “…certain for-profit companies cannot be required to pay for specific types of contraceptives for their employees” ( The corporations involved in the case (Conestoga Wood Specialties and Hobby Lobby) are allowed to use their religious beliefs to prevent female employees […]

Is cultural resource management archaeology conducive to families

10 unwritten rules for professional archaeology

10 more unwritten rules of professional archaeology 8

I’m piggy backing on a couple of archaeology blog posts I read earlier this week about unwritten rules of professional archaeology. The topic was started by Tracy Brown, webmaster of the blog Archaeology in Tennessee. Mr. Brown started a thread asking about the Unwritten Rules in Professional Archaeology and has […]

Writing Schedules keep your Archaeology writing moving

“This is some great stuff! There’s nothing like this out there. Are you willing to publish this as a book?” From what I’ve heard, this is the way my good friend Chris Webster who just got his book The Field Archaeologist’s Survival Guide published by Left Coast Press. It was […]

Archaeology books are coming from blogs these days

Investment and savings advice for archaeologists

Saving and Investing for Archaeologists

I remember loving snow days as a kid. This was long before I’d started doing archaeology and started hating snow. Every time it snowed for a few hours, I’d start getting giddy– thinking about the action-packed day of Nintendo and sledding that awaited me the next morning. I’d lay in […]

Recap of My First year of an Archaeology PhD 2

“School has become the world religion of a modernized proletariat, and makes futile promises of salvation to the poor of the technological age.” Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society (1971) I’ve decided to take some time to write a short summary of my PhD at the University of Arizona. Sometime in 2012, […]

Recap of my first year of archaeology PhD studies

is it possible to get a tenure track archaeology professor position?

Addressing the Archaeology Professor Myth: Is it Possible to Realize Tenure Track Position? 2

Sometimes you read the obvious, but it doesn’t really sink in. Sometimes the obvious sinks right in to your core. I just finished reading two blog posts this week about the travails of post-PhD life. In 2011, Roderick asked “Is your PhD Worthless?” Partially answering his own question, Roderick mentions […]

Top 15 Must-Have Archaeology Field Gear Items 3

After months being cooped up in a classroom, I’m getting ready to go do some archaeology field work this summer and was putting together a list of items I need to buy or replace. Some people I know have called me a gear whore because I like to buy outdoors […]

15 Must have Archaeology supplies

sweet hat from

The Power of Gratitude

A few weeks ago, I received one of the best gifts I’ve been given all year. It was a simple baseball hat that was sent to me from the kind folks at Forestry Suppliers. In case you didn’t know, Forestry Suppliers has a sweet archaeology field tools catalog (BTW: That […]

Hear about what I learned at #SAA2014

#SAA2014 Debrief, Part I: Curating and Disseminating Archaeology 2

“I don’t always go to the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) annual meetings, but when I do, I prefer them to be in a cool place with a ton of rad dive bars.” The world’s most moderately interesting archaeologist (Me). I’m currently on the flight back from #SAA2014 and happened […]