Archaeological Crew Chief

Archaeology Work in Hot Weather

Last weekend, I participated in a conversation on hot weather health and safety on the CRM Archaeology Podcast. Most of us are aware of the dangers of working in hot weather (temperatures above 90 degrees), but we may not all be aware of measures we can take to prevent injuries. […]

Why do we need the Archaeology Careerist’s Network?

In case you didn’t already know, I started a Linked In group called the Archaeology Careerist’s Network (ACN). There are already over 140 archaeology-related Linked In groups, so you may ask, “why did I feel the need to create yet another archaeology group?”

30-minute workouts for cultural resource management professionals

In February, my wife had our second child. It has been a blessing. The extra pounds both she and I gained during her pregnancy however, have not been a blessing. Soon after the baby was born, we both realized that we needed to do something about our weight. It stinks […]

CRM Archaeology is driven by passion

I couldn’t find a job in CRM archaeology when I first graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Boise, Idaho. Not only did I not know where to look, I didn’t know anyone that could help me. Most of my professors had no idea where the entry-level jobs were. My grades […]

Archaeology Job Search Aides

“No man was ever wise by chance” Lucius Annaeus Seneca Finding a job in archaeology can be tough. Because there are so few of us, CRM archaeology is a tightly knit field where, in order to find a job, you have to know something, know how to network, and know […]

Archaeology books are coming from blogs these days

Speeding Up the Experiential Learning Process

“Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.” Franklin P. Jones How do you know when you’ve hit the “floor” of an Archaic Native American pithouse? How do you keep from digging right through the floor and losing the original context of any artifacts imbedded in […]

Personal Research: Keeping CRMers Sane Since 1966

The explosion of cultural resource management, heritage conservation, and historic preservation since the 1960s has resulted in a deluge of information on human pasts. Much of this information lies in the various technical reports written by companies around the world. This “grey literature” represents a database much larger than the […]

Why I wrote a book on small archaeology project management 2

“Things don’t just work out right. We have to make things work out right.” Nido Qubien I got my first job in archaeology in 2004. I was a crew chief working for the Idaho Transportation Department on a project in Lewis County, near Lenore, Idaho. Because I was a grad […]

Workplace Safety for Archaeologists: My New Crusade 1

I was reading a post on Think Traffic by Amy Clover and realized that, unbeknownst to me, I was starting a crusade. Maybe it was hearing President Obama’s inaugural speech that inspired me to strive for more than just trying to help archeologists find jobs. I know he’s a politician, […]