Here’s how you get your résumé into the right hands

This week I heard some of the best news I’ve heard in a long time. A friend of mine landed an archaeology job in the Bay Area. Yes, this is the same amigo I coached in my case study called How to get an Archaeology Job, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. I will reveal his identity in Part 4 of the series, which we’re still working on. I also heard that another friend and soon-to-be archaeologist with a Masters just got a job offer partially based on my coaching and her networking skills. The position was created specifically for her and will not be posted to the general public.

Talk about taking your career into your own hands!

Because of this recent success, I’ve created a slideshare presentation outlining the basics of the process I use to help people get jobs in cultural resource management archaeology, historic presentation, and heritage conservation. This stuff is covered in greater detail in Resume-Writing for Archaeologists and elsewhere on this blog (see the resume-writing and job tips tabs). Enjoy.

If you have any questions or comments, write below or send me an email.


Resume-Writing for Archaeologists” is now available on Click Here and get detailed instructions on how you can land a job in CRM archaeology today!










Small Archaeology Project Management is now on the Kindle Store. Over 300 copies were sold in the first month! Click Here and see what the buzz is all about.



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