Job Tips

Becoming an archaeologist is not easy, but many people think it should be

The number one lie people believe about a career in archaeology 3

Every now and then, I hear from an aspiring archaeologist who is confused by the things they read on social media about the cultural resource management industry. The source of their confusion comes from the following conversation: 1)            Somebody says CRM archaeology sucks. 2)            Even though archaeology is their dream […]

Is it possible to have a career as a cultural resource management archaeological field technician?

Being an Archaeological Field Technician: The Truth

(This is a guest post distilled from conversation threads created by the active and experienced members of two cultural resource management archaeology Facebook groups: the “North American Archaeological Technicians” [390 members] and the “Archaeo Field Techs” [1,557 members]. Personal identities have been omitted in order to protect the privacy of […]

Find the township and range of your cultural resource management archaeology project area in Google Earth

Time is money in cultural resource management archaeology. Sometimes, field archaeologists and GIS specialists have strained relationships within their CRM companies because field archaeos do not always know how to create maps using GIS software. We think the GIS people can just conjure a map from thin air in less […]

Find the township and range of your CRM archaeology project area in Google Earth

You can use Google Earth and Trulia to identify historic properties in your project area

How to identify historic properties using Google Earth 1

Don’t you just love it when you get a PDF of a project area floating in the middle of some unidentified terrain? Just a polygon overlain upon some barren desert, forest quadrat, or urban freeway with very little context? And, you’re, somehow, expected to plan your cultural resource management archaeology […]