The Number One Truth about Cultural Resource Management Reports

I have been lead author or primary contributor to over 60 cultural resource management archaeology reports. That’s not including reports where I wrote a historic background, artifact analysis, or boilerplate contribution. All of that writing represents dozens of man-hours and thousands of dollars’ worth of research. Those reports represent the […]

What is the number one truth about cultural resource management archaeology reports?

How can universities prepare students for cultural resource management archaeology careers?

It’s not just archaeology. Most students don’t learn what they need in college.

A few months ago, I penned a (un)popular blog post titled “When archaeology field techs have to teach PhDs how to do archaeology”. Some people thought it was great. Many did not. Fortunately, I haven’t been kicked out of graduate school over it. The basic premise was: Universities are not […]

Native Americans, Archaeological Monitoring, and CRMers

Archaeological Monitoring (v.)­ (1) watching and waiting for a mechanical excavator to reveal an archaeological deposit; (2) a great way for archaeologists to find sites and Native people to reclaim their heritage before development destroys all traces; (3) something construction companies and developers (should) know about but always seem to […]

How does hiring Native Americans help archaeological monitoring

Are archaeologists racist?: Part I 2

WARNING: This blog post is probably going to make you very emotional. The principal emotion you are likely to experience is anger. Before you start rampaging in the comments box, please, read the entire article. Then, take three deep breaths and think about where this anger is coming from. Then, […]

How does structural racism effect cultural resource management?