CRM Archaeology Podcast Recap, August 2013

Have you ever had a conversation with someone that left you thinking about it for days afterward? The two CRM Archaeology Podcast episodes recorded in August, 2013 both made me feel that way.

In case you (somehow) hadn’t heard, the CRM Archaeology Podcast is the most frequently downloaded podcast dedicated to cultural resource management professionals and aspiring CRMers. The show has covered a number of relevant topics to our industry. Most recently, the podcast’s host Chris Webster has organized a session on Blogging Archaeology for the 2014 Society for American Archaeology conference in Austin. There’s only a few days left to register for the conference as a presenter (only until 9/12/2013), but, if you’re a blogger and are going to the SAAs join Chris’ session right away. It’s bound to be great fun.

In August, the podcast focused on issues related to Chris’ CRM start-up company, DIGTECH, LLC., and an extraordinary interview with Chris Whitley at Western Australia University.

Episode 14: Small Business Issues— How many of you have worked for a CRM company and thought, “I can do better than this. I should start my own company.” I know I have a number of times in the past. Well, Chris Webster is one of the few young CRMers that has done exactly that. He started his own CRM company in late 2012 and leisurely spends his days hunting for contacts, writing RFPs, and conducting fieldwork.

In podcast Episode 14, Chris discusses how things have been going at his company for the first half of 2013. This conversation basically tells anyone that is interested what to expect if they decide to start their own CRM company. Episode 14 also includes a brief segment by Tom King about the history of cultural resource management legislation in the United States.

Episode 15: Interview with Tom Whitley– The interview with Tom Whitley was truly inspirational and gave me hope that universities around the world are beginning to think about creating departments and academic programs dedicated to training the next generation of cultural resource managers. Whitley was the former vice president of Brockington and Associates before taking a teaching position at the University of Western Australia. His teaching career is dedicated to training the CRMers of the future and he has been given an opportunity to create a university program that does just that. The new program is called the Masters of Professional Archaeology and it sounds like what more U.S. universities should be pursuing.

The CRM Archaeology Podcast can be streamed directly from the DIGTECH website through Stitcher Radio, or can be downloaded from the iTunes store. Tune in today and hear what’s been going on in the world of cultural resource management.

If you have any questions or comments, write below or send me an email.


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