Monthly Archives: January 2014

Training the next generation in cultural resource management archaeology 2

I think it’s promising that the Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) is strongly considering how to train the next generation. The recent conference in Quebec City had multiple events dedicated to discussing how universities can better meet the needs of the cultural resource management, historic preservation, and heritage conservation industries. […]

#SHA2014- Lessons Learned from the Conference at the European Village on the Planet Hoth

The 2013–2014 Polar Vortex drastically altered the travel plans for dozens of attendees of the recent Society for Historical Archaeology conference (#SHA2014). Set in beautiful, friendly Quebec City, the reputation of this conference will be forever marked by memories of delays, unexpected hotel layovers, lost luggage, and icy streetscapes. I […]

Cracking the Hidden Archaeology Job Market

Keywords: cultural resource management jobs, historic preservation employment, job search, job tips Hashtags: #CRMarch, #archaeology, #jobs, #jobtips, #recruiting, @succinctbill In case you didn’t already know, the best way to get a job in archaeology, cultural resource management, and historic preservation is NOT by responding to job posts. Of course, responding […]